The co-managers of the APC's Women's Rights Programme: Namita Aavriti, Katerina Fialova and Jan Moolman, speak to the authors of the research project about how feminist co-leadership is being practised at different stages.

Excerpt from the Introduction of "Mosaics & Mirrors: Insights and practices of feminist co-leadership",

"With the unpredictability that the last few years have brought – two years+ of a pandemic amidst ongoing political, economic and environmental crises – we are seeing drastic shifts in how organisations function in the day to day. Some are moving to hybrid or fully virtual work spaces, or extending additional leave or flexibility to their teams, and many are taking up models of co-leadership.

We believe this is a sign of our times, sometimes linked to necessity and pragmatism to support the sustainability and resilience of the work, while for others it is clearly aligned to their broader vision for sharing power and transformation. It is timely for a deep and broad look on what co-leadership is as a leadership structure, practice, and impact."

Access the full research project here.

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