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Probing the Texture of Silence in Communications and Media at B + 10

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 4,867 views
This article explores the contradictory silence surrounding Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action that relates to issues of women and the media at this years Beijing + 10. Through this, it examines the possible reasons to the lack of vocalisation on this issue, even as women's movements working on various issues recognise the impact and power of the media in their work.

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Reflecting on ICTs, Women’s Activism and Silences at Beijing +10 - Interview with Mavic Cabrera-Balleza

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 5,433 views
Jac sm Kee speaks with Mavic Cabrera-Balleza of the International
Women’s Tribune Centre about her work using ICTs, and her thoughts on issues of gender and ICT (information and communications technology) policy as well as the challenges facing women’s movements in this respect.

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Politicising ICTs in the Women's Rights Movement - Interview with Lydia Alpízar Durán

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 5,384 views
Interview with Lydia Alpízar Durán, Feminist Organizational Development Program Coordinator of AWID (Association of Women in Development) on her thoughts about the relationship between ICTs and movement building in women’s human rights, at the Beijing +10 process, 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, New York.

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What’s Gender got to do with IT?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:18 | 5,346 views
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are being used by women’s organisations to communicate their own agendas and perspectives in order to effect women’s empowerment and social change. But women also need to be involved in the policy processes that define access to and use of these ICTs. This was the message of participants in a panel hosted by the Association for Progressive…

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Where is women´s “J” spot?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:18 | 7,239 views
As the international community prepares to join the United Nation’s 49th Session of the Commission on the Status on Women (CSW), women media practitioners are asking: where is women’s “J” spot? Despite the fact that the latform for Action (PFA) contemplates Section “J” in Chapter 3, about Women and Media, the issue is hardly found in the provisional agenda for the evaluation process. The U.N.…


Resolution submitted by women’s media and information and communication organizations attending the 49th session of the UN CSW (Draft)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,987 views
Resolution submitted by women’s media and information and communication organizations attending the 49th session of the UN CSW and the 10-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Platform for Action


Beijing Betrayed: Women Worldwide Report that Governments Have Failed (Executive Summary)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,943 views
This is a summary of the Beijing Betrayed report, which assesses governments’ progress in implementing the commitments made at the Beijing Conference.