Illustration by Phoebe Ouma for GenderIT.

In this series  I will be inviting incredible African women! And people when I tell you incredible, I mean exactly that Incredible! Women, who are “Daughters of the horn” narrate their journey on digital activism. “Stories of Resilience” will feature daughters from Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea and South Sudan. These women will give us a front-row seat on their digital advocacy journey. We will get to understand their lives as digital activists, they will share some of their success stories, their low moments and how they care for their mental well-being. How they plan to draw more women into the digital activism space. 

Storytelling, as a method, forges connections among people, telling stories is one of the most powerful means that is used to influence, teach, and inspire. Not only do people connect with the story they also feel the emotion too. They will also share how their loved ones cope with the kind of work they do knowing very well some of them work in countries under very oppressive regimes. We also get to hear from them how their families are coping with their kind of work. We know a supportive system is very instrumental in their type of work, however not all of them have families that are supportive, so in such instances how are they handling this issue.?

We get to see and understand their journey through their lens. So, buckle up people because the show is about to begin and, I can tell you some of their stories, literary all of their stories are so inspiring and they will move you to tears, but most importantly we will get to learn on how we also can be part of this journey of using the digital space to advocate for issues we believe in. And how we can help make the space better than we found it, for the next generation of the “Daughters of the Horn.” 

On today’s episode of “Stories of resilience” we bring to you Lucia Ayiela from Kenya. Lucia is a serial (if there is something like that) digital activist. I have followed her journey, and she is a poster child for digital activism. Lucia, before you introduce yourself, allow me to say a big thank you on behalf of the “Daughters of the Horn.” We want you to know we see you; we value you and we acknowledge the work you are doing on the space, for your fellow sisters. Now the floor is yours and we are more than ready to listen to your story.

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